Tag Archives: goals

Week Nine Weight Watcher’s Results

Week 9 was vacation week and since I was mostly going to be on vacation during this week, I did not log any points for my foods.  I knew that once we got to DC, the luxury of being able to decide where we would like to eat and being able to look up the nutritional information was going to be replaced with the convenience of a tasty restaurant nearby.  I also knew that we would be walking almost every where we went and would work off some of the not so healthy options that we would come across.  With that in mind, the goal was to weight in and be at the same weight.  Well, I am sad to report that I did not meet this goal…I gained weight.  I am happy to report that I still stayed away from ‘real colas’, such as Coke, Pepsi, Mountain Dew, etc and stuck with the diet varieties.  I did, however, have a sampling of locally brewed beers, a beer and then a mixed drink during my vacation.  I think the day that really caused the gain was Sunday, the day we headed back home.  After walking at least 6 miles on Saturday, I can say I was way too exhausted to make some really smart decisions and therefore had very unhealthy eating day.  I think the smartest choice was having chicken on my nachos and still drinking only diet beverages.  Besides the bad eating habits, I also had a hard time getting all 8 servings of water in me.  This is hard to do when you are in a city visiting many historic places where they prohibit you having beverages with you.  I can understand their reasoning and would like to see a few more water fountains with in these places.  It was a great trip and I am back on the diet in full force.  Goal for week 10: Lose all the vacation weight that I gained!