Tag Archives: Wii

Week Ten Weight Watcher’s Results

This week’s goal?  To lose the weight that I gained from vacation.  Due to my Wii Fit board needing new batteries, I was not able to weigh in on Monday, so I took Sunday’s weigh in and I am happy to report that I lost the vacation weight!  On Monday, I did not log points for my foods so instead, I made some very smart food choices to show myself that I can.  Tuesday it was really back on.  I was logging my points and back to getting all my servings of water in each day, which I strongly believe is a big key to my weight loss.  Since I weigh myself just about every morning, I can see how I progress from day to day.  There are mornings where I feel that I really did not drink all the water that I should have the previous day and the scale shows it.  My weight is either slightly up or has no change at all.  Thanks to little sugar-free flavor packets, I can get all my servings of water with no problems.  Even at home, sugar-free Kool-Aid is almost always on hand!

Week Two Weight Watcher’s Results

Monday was weight-in day for me and the number on the scale continues to go down. My weight loss for week two was not as big as week one and like I said after last week’s weigh-in, I was not expecting another 5 lbs. I did exercise Monday through Thursday on my Elliptical and then Friday I did the My Fitness Coach on the Wii. Stay tuned for more updates on my weight loss journey.

Getting Back on Track – Part 2

A few weeks ago, I posted about my plans to get back on track with my weight loss goal. I am happy to announce that I have signed up for Weight Watcher’s Online for the next 3 months! Yesterday was my first day using the points system, so this morning I was a little on the hungry side! I went with the online option basically because it was a cheaper option. Also, I have my iPhone with me basically at all times, so I can just login and record my points. No carrying around multiple books to see what my options are or tracking all my points for me! What I’m enjoying so far about Weight Watchers is that I can still have my new favorite popcorn (Popcorn, Indiana), as long as I save points for it!

The other part of my plan was to start working out. The elliptical trainer was put together and even though it’s not in it’s permanent location, I have been using it. I got 4 days in last week and so far this week, I have worked out the past 2 days on the elliptical and tonight I worked out to the My Fitness Coach on the Wii to mix it up.

I’m also getting recipes entered MacGourmet and at some point I will need to update the current recipes with Weight Watcher’s points and be sure to note the point values going forward. I am also giving star ratings for the recipes that are used for future reference.

So far all is going well. I just need to keep the momentum going!

Getting Back on Track

Well, it’s been several months since I began my year of changes and my weight loss journey. I’m sad to say that I have slipped off the wagon and from the looks of my blog, I have not been the active blogger I had hoped I would be. To get my butt back in gear on blogging, I have joined ProBlogger’s 31 Days to Build a Better Blog Project that just started on Monday, so I now have homework everyday for 31 days!

To get back on track with my weight loss goal, I will be taking the following steps:

  1. Home cardio machine – After several months of research and finally looking at some local stores, we have finally purchased our home cardio machine…an elliptical trainer! A local store had the Schwin 460 Elliptical which was a bit intimidating. Once I saw all the cool features, I knew this was the right cardio machine for us. Amazon.com had a great deal on this item. I got a 2 year extended warranty, free shipping and no tax, all for about $40 less than the sticker price at our local store! The elliptical was delivered last Friday and is currently sitting in the garage since the delivery guy didn’t want to try and get it up a few stairs into my house. So that’s something that will be assembled soon to get me back on track.
  2. Other Exercise Options – In hopes to not get burned out on exercising, I will also get back to my daily Wii Fit Body Test. I recently purchased the My Fitness Coach for the Wii and completed my profile, which was quiet a task. I have done a couple of workouts and so far I’m enjoying it.
  3. Diet/Change of Lifestyle Plan – I need to do some research on various diets and would like to find one where there are no forbidden foods and that is more like a lifestyle change instead of diet. Weight Watchers is along these lines and it seems like the Zone Diet might be another option. I hope to have this decided in the next few days…a week at most.
  4. Meal Planning – I have purchased a great recipe management program called MacGourmet that makes it real easy to create a meal plan from a library of recipes and then creates a shopping list. An iPhone app is also available to compliment this desktop application by letting you sync to your computer. This allows you to have your meal plan and shopping list at the palm of your hand. Now, I just need to find some time to get some more healthy recipes added

Are you also trying to lose weight? If so, what steps are you taking to stay on track?  If you have been successful at losing weight, please feel free to share your ideas. I can use all the help and encouragement I can get.